Thursday, July 9, 2020

Rishta for Divorced Ladies in Karachi

The three days before Zaroorat, the housewives from the entire community to perform prayers in their own language to commemorate the mother of Islam and offer prayers of thanksgiving. After this, the Rishta master of the house is allowed to ask married women to sing or recite a poem.

In the Pakistani countryside, a variety of occasions call for the use of Rishta in Sindhi. The best time to be using this traditional Urdu literary form is during the month of September when it is celebrated as a festival called Rishta-ul-din. This ritual is a perfect example of celebrating customs from different countries with each other. Pakistani culture has similar traditions of marriage ceremonies, and men and women are always asked to use Rishta. In some places like Karachi, Rishta is known as Zaroorat-Rishta, which means memorial service in Urdu.

Rishta is not only used to remember someone who is deceased, but it is also used to celebrate the life of a lady. Here, female Rishta in Karachi for a divorced lady is a common practice that marks the end of the month of Muharram, which is also a time of mourning and festivity. It can be conducted anytime but is most commonly held during this period.

Our Team Covers all Age Groups and Serve Both Adult and Junior Girls

 Zaroorat Rishta Urdu is a celebration of a woman's life and is a symbol of women's unity. One of the most common ways to celebrate Zaroorat Rishta is with the presentation of a female Rishta Urdu poem to the Rishta master. These ladies share the responsibility of preparing a poem in the symbol of women's unity to be presented to the Rishta master. In the Karachi area, the Zaroorat Rishta teams cover all age groups and serve both adult and junior girls. These teams, which have different members from each other, usually do the poetry recitation before the service is held.

Zaroorat for divorced ladies is usually held on Saturdays and is a time of celebration. It is held in a mosque or on a farm by a group of individuals that meet at some pre-arranged place. When the time arrives, the poem is passed around so that everyone can have a chance to participate. Zaroorat Rishta, which is normally held in a mosque, is traditionally held on Saturdays. These gatherings are usually conducted by the female Rishta teams in mosques and are attended by about three hundred people.

There are several differences between Zaroorat Rishta in Karachi and those held in villages or communities in Sindh and Baluchistan. One of the main differences is that women from villages take part in Zaroorat Rishta, while those from cities like Karachi or Islamabad do not. With Zaroorat in Karachi, the attendees of the ceremony are typically women from the rural areas of Sindh or Baluchistan.


Zaroorat is generally held for young girls who are at the age where they are not yet married. Most of the elders of the community do not participate in Zaroorat Rishta. Women like these usually prefer to attend the ceremony in their homes as a form of custom, rather than going to a mosque.

Rishta for Divorced Ladies in Karachi

The three days before Zaroorat, the housewives from the entire community to perform prayers in their own language to commemorate the mother ...